Hello furry friends everywhere and welcome to the exclusive story of my life in which I share my deepest thoughts, feelings and unsqueakbly exciting events!

Sunday 19 December 2010

In The Middle Of The Night

Last night was unsqeakably frightening! I had just been let out for my daily pet and run when Julie started to breath very heavy and not very often. Within minutes, the paramedics were out and, with my super enlightened hearing senses, I managed to track their posistion immediately. Then, a women and man appeared at the door and started putting a mask on Julie that hissed and shrieked. Then, she was gone. I still haven't seen anybody yet and eleven o clock is food time. Oh, my stomach is rumbling! I hope they come back soon! At least I have my furry friends to keep me company...
Keep on squeaking,

Saturday 18 December 2010


I have only been in my home two weeks and I am already fast friends with a white rabbit called Roger, two hamster twins called Rodney and Samson, (more commonly known  as the Cray Twins), Poppy the Hamster and Myrtle the Map Turtle. I am starting to feel at home here. I can tell Katie loves me and I feel safe in her arms now. I think she likes it when I relax. I wish I could go out and play in the thick layer of white stuff outside like Katie does with her friends. Also, I have now discovered my favourite food, KALE! The food of the Gods! So green, so luscious so wonderful! I hope I get some tonight!

Friday 3 December 2010

New Home

Today was unsqueakably exciting. Today, I got my new home. No one had wanted me before this nice couple turned up. I sat in the corner of my cage in the adoption centre and was payed as much attention as a dead pigeon. Luckily, my saviours came! I was took home in a cardboard box and given to this little girl with brown hair. She smiled at me and stroked me soothingly. Then, I was put in my new den. It is a lovely cage that, for my small frame, is unsqueakably big! I am very happy! I have a thick layer of shavings, a ball with a pleasant bell inside it, a wooden hut and a house with my hay in a corner. Aaahh, bliss!
                                                               Your squeaky friend,