Hello furry friends everywhere and welcome to the exclusive story of my life in which I share my deepest thoughts, feelings and unsqueakbly exciting events!

Saturday 18 December 2010


I have only been in my home two weeks and I am already fast friends with a white rabbit called Roger, two hamster twins called Rodney and Samson, (more commonly known  as the Cray Twins), Poppy the Hamster and Myrtle the Map Turtle. I am starting to feel at home here. I can tell Katie loves me and I feel safe in her arms now. I think she likes it when I relax. I wish I could go out and play in the thick layer of white stuff outside like Katie does with her friends. Also, I have now discovered my favourite food, KALE! The food of the Gods! So green, so luscious so wonderful! I hope I get some tonight!

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