Hello furry friends everywhere and welcome to the exclusive story of my life in which I share my deepest thoughts, feelings and unsqueakbly exciting events!

Friday 3 December 2010

New Home

Today was unsqueakably exciting. Today, I got my new home. No one had wanted me before this nice couple turned up. I sat in the corner of my cage in the adoption centre and was payed as much attention as a dead pigeon. Luckily, my saviours came! I was took home in a cardboard box and given to this little girl with brown hair. She smiled at me and stroked me soothingly. Then, I was put in my new den. It is a lovely cage that, for my small frame, is unsqueakably big! I am very happy! I have a thick layer of shavings, a ball with a pleasant bell inside it, a wooden hut and a house with my hay in a corner. Aaahh, bliss!
                                                               Your squeaky friend,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marmalade! I watch to see if you are still keeping up your blog and wonder how Roger is getting on. We rabbits have to stay in touch.
    Love, Harvey
